- 1. Breaking up is hard to do – Part 1
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... banks. As an industry professional, I must admit to a sneaking admiration for this bank’s unsentimental approach. It is well known that most banks actually lose money on many if not most of ...
- Created on 23 June 2013
- 2. What exactly is Bitcoin and should we care?
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... of very interesting features. The first is the decentralised, anonymous nature of the Bitcoin. Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin involves no banks, is not owned or controlled by any government, and there ...
- Created on 04 May 2013
- 3. Display Cards and Mobile Wallets
- (Opinion Articles)
- Since I first wrote about Display Cards in this column in June 2011, the technology has been enthusiastically embraced by banks and their customers all over the world.Last year Standard Chartered Bank ...
- Created on 14 March 2013
- 4. E-Commerce Payments – “Push” versus “Pull”
- (Opinion Articles)
- Last month EBA Clearing announced that it had signed up 11 banks to participate in a live launch of MyBank, a new pan-European Online Banking ePayments (OBeP) service. This could be a highly significant ...
- Created on 21 January 2013
- 5. Leave the Payments Council Alone
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... “more responsive to the needs of users” and less subject to the “unfettered power” of the banks, by bringing the Council formally within the system of government regulation. My response to the ...
- Created on 20 November 2012
- 6. Bashing Bankers, Part 3 - Regulators
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... no”. But Haldane’s interpretation is more subtle: in a sense both no-one and everyone is to blame. It is the whole, complex, massively interconnected system which is at fault, embracing investment banks, ...
- Created on 23 September 2012
- 7. Bashing Bankers, Part 2 - Barclays
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... systems meltdown at RBS, a failure of basic banking and payments “plumbing” which was widely portrayed as yet more evidence that “banks are evil”, was actually a fairly isolated incident caused mainly ...
- Created on 20 September 2012
- 8. Digital wallets – making sense of the metaphor
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... we call it, there is clearly a lot going on in this space. It is interesting that MasterCard’s wallet is open for partners such as banks and merchants to white label their own products. And both schemes ...
- Created on 18 June 2012
- 9. ATMIA launches US EMV migration committee
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... more or less demands a high degree of coordination and collaboration between banks, which is to be encouraged in the US! A good example of this last point is the question of PIN change and ...
- Created on 09 May 2012
- 10. Telephone banking fraud
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... Research Institute (SRI) on deploying what was at the time very advanced speech technology at banks. Our main emphasis was on using speaker-independent speech recognition technology as a way to automate ...
- Created on 17 April 2012
- 11. EMV Chip in the US
- (White Papers)
- In 2012 I worked with partners Savantor and Auriemma Consulting Group on an informal survey of EMV chip in the US. We interviewed senior officers at US banks, retailers and processors to get their ...
- Created on 29 March 2012
- 12. Barclays Pingit
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... to their account details for mobile-to-mobile payments. This is part of a long-running Payments Council project involving all major UK banks, including Barclays. Has Barclays jumped the gun? Those with ...
- Created on 19 March 2012
- 13. Barclays Pingit ushers in mobile-to-mobile payments
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... to their account details for mobile-to-mobile payments. This is part of a long-running Payments Council project involving all major UK banks, including Barclays. Has Barclays jumped the gun? Those with ...
- Created on 09 March 2012
- 14. EMV Migration in the US – an Update
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... of confusion and uncertainty is evident, and in this climate it is not surprising that most banks and issuers are reluctant to invest proactively in the new technology and prefer to adopt a wait and see ...
- Created on 14 February 2012
- 15. Predictions for 2012 – a contrarian view
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... be phased out in the UK! The UK banks will finally start developing commercial products on top of Faster Payments, including a person-to-person payment service enabling customers to send money to ...
- Created on 08 February 2012
- 16. Interchange fees and the law of unintended consequences
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... and out of this, pays the issuer of the card used for the transaction an “interchange fee”. Through this model, issuing banks are rewarded for issuing payment cards, acquiring banks are rewarded for enabling ...
- Created on 06 February 2012
- 17. Extending EMV chip beyond banking and payments
- (Opinion Articles)
- The global EMV chip infrastructure represents an immensely valuable resource for banks which, with a little imagination, they could use to grow profitable new businesses outside the payments industry. ...
- Created on 04 February 2012
- 18. Online banking security – no easy answers
- (Opinion Articles)
- Two events prompted me this month to look again at online banking security: the first a survey by Which? magazine of UK banks’ security approaches; the second the arrival of my new HSBC Secure Keydevice ...
- Created on 03 February 2012
- 19. Happy Birthday? The strange case of Faster Payments
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... and perhaps most incredible at all, it’s completely free! But there’s a dark side, which does not reflect well on the banks. For a start, Faster Payments wasn’t their idea. On the contrary they ...
- Created on 02 February 2012
- 20. New Perspectives on Delivering Retail Financial Services
- (Archives)
- ... than ever. A combination of cost pressures, merger activity and globalisation will probably evolve into massive consolidation across the industry as a whole. No wonder banks, insurance ...
- Created on 01 February 2012
- 21. Passfaces
- (Archives)
- ... is more secure than passwords or PINs, more intuitive and fun to use, and, unlike other biometric techniques, it requires no special equipment or enrolment procedures. Banks should give it a try. Currently, ...
- Created on 01 February 2012
- 22. Internet Banking Adoption
- (Archives)
- ... (as predicted, internet banking has proved to be immensely popular and hugely cost-effective for banks) but because the SRI research on which it is based is still relevant to the launch of new technology-based ...
- Created on 01 February 2012
- 23. EMV Chip Workshop
- (About)
- Making the Most of EMV Chip Now that the EMV chip infrastructure is established in most developed countries, there are outstanding opportunities for innovative banks and other organisations to use ...
- Created on 18 January 2012
- 24. Speech Recognition
- (White Papers)
- ... training. Another application is voice verification, where the unique physical characteristics of a particular voice are used to authenticate an individual. This is highly relevant to banks and is the ...
- Created on 14 January 2012
- 25. Virtual Value Chains
- (White Papers)
- ... whole of the value chain but to do so through strategic alliances. For example in the UK the Scottish banks have successfully partnered with supermarkets to address Context and an increasing number of ...
- Created on 14 January 2012
- 26. E-Trust
- (White Papers)
- By leveraging trusted relationships with their customers and with each other, banks could create a whole new "e-trust" industry by providing a trusted environment for secure trading over the internet. ...
- Created on 14 January 2012
- 27. The Post-SEPA Payments Landscape
- (White Papers)
- ... of organisations which process both card and non-card transactions, for example Equens, which was formed from the merger of a Belgian card processor, Banksys, with a German ACH, TKI. Value Chain ...
- Created on 14 January 2012
- 28. Remote Chip Authentication
- (White Papers)
- ... single-factor authentication. Meanwhile an increasing number of banks are using Remote Chip Authentication (RCA - also known as CAP or DPA) for secure online banking. The next logical development is to ...
- Created on 14 January 2012
- 29. EMV Chip Added-Value Applications
- (White Papers)
- The global migration to EMV chip cards and terminals is finally complete in several countries, including the UK. There is now an outstanding opportunity for banks to leverage their investment in this ...
- Created on 14 January 2012
- 30. Training Services
- (About)
- ... of EMV Chip" which is an introduction to the technology for senior non-technical bankers with an emphasis on understanding how banks can leverage the EMV infrastructure to grow their cards business and ...
- Created on 13 January 2012
- 31. Consulting Services
- (About)
- ... we offer a half day workshop on "Making the Most of EMV Chip" which is an overview of the technology for senior non-technical bankers with an emphasis on understanding how banks can leverage the EMV infrastructure ...
- Created on 13 January 2012
- 32. Display Cards – coming soon to a bank near you
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... who wanted a card would be prepared to pay between €10 and €15 for them. Not surprisingly, both MasterCard and Visa are actively marketing Display Cards, and scores of banks worldwide have launched pilots. ...
- Created on 11 January 2012
- 33. Chip and PIN Online
- (Opinion Articles)
- ... source of concern for the card schemes and issuing banks, especially since the main reasons for payment choice, according to DIBS, are security (62%) and convenience (50%), qualities traditionally strongly ...
- Created on 19 June 2011
- 34. Full Biography
- (Nick Collin)
- ... aspects of card payments for banks and for MasterCard staff, including gaming workshops based on a sophisticated credit card profitability computer simulation. Development of a series of packaged “OneSmart” ...
- Created on 18 May 2011