This section includes white papers most of which were written circa 2000 and are therefore a little out of date. Nevertheless, the principles which they describe still seem largely valid. They have therefore been updated to remove references to the more obvious anachronisms and published as a supplementary resource which may be useful in some circumstances.
New Perspectives on Delivering Retail Financial Services
This white paper examines implications of new management theory and IT trends on the organisation and systems architecture of retail financial institutions
Passfaces is a "cognometric" method of authenticating internet users based on the remarkable ability of humans to remember faces. It is particularly suitable for internet banking applications since it is more secure than passwords or PINs, more intuitive and fun to use, and, unlike other biometric techniques, it requires no special equipment or enrolment procedures. Banks should give it a try.
Internet Banking and Web TV
The original version of this article, published circa 2000, asked whether either internet banking or banking via "web tv" would ever be a mass market and concluded, pessimistically, that internet banking would remain a niche activity levelling out at about 25% penetration (in 2012 penetration in the UK topped 50% of the 80% of the population who are internet users - ie about 40%)! The updated version published here is included because the observations about banking via web tv, which has not enjoyed similar success, may well still be valid.
Internet Banking Adoption
The original version of this article was published circa 2000 when intenet banking was in its infancy. It is re-published here in updated form, not to highlight the internet as a new opportunity any more (as predicted, internet banking has proved to be immensely popular and hugely cost-effective for banks) but because the SRI research on which it is based is still relevant to the launch of new technology-based services by banks.